This page focusses mainly on the Electro Acoustic behaviour of loudspeakers in open- and closed spaces. It will mostly use Bob McCarthy’s book “SOUND SYSTEMS: DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION“, third edition ISBN 978-0-415-73101-0.
INTRODUCTIONIP Address, Subnet Mask, GatewayReserved LAN Ranges and Reserved IP AddressesThe Router NAT, Firewall, DMZ, Port Forwarding and VPNDNS (Domain Name ServiceDHCP and Link Local.
A VOIP implementation of audionetworking by Audinate. They designed special chips (Brooklyn chips) that have to be installed in a device and that make discovering devices, monitoring, setup and connecting very easy. Disadvantage is, that manufacturers have to pay a fair amount of license money for that chip, so a number of manufacturers didn’t choose Dante but the license free AVB or Ravenna instead. You will find, that the latter protocols are much more complicated to work with. Combining protocols is only possible when they have AES67 implemented.
In the readers you will find avery good description of how Dante makes use of the vast possibilities of the Ethernet (VOIP) protocol. Audinate also has a very good certification program with free courses and tests. Course 1 is about the artifacts of digital audio, course 2 is about Ethernet, timing and uni-/multicast and course 3 digs deeper in setting up networks and routers for Dante. See: COURSE.
A great number of tutorial videos can be found here: VIDEOTUTORIALS
Grounding has a number of functions, a.o. safety, zero reference etc.. The combination of these functions can cause problems in the the audio chain when groundloops occur. This problem will be discussed in the underlying PDF.